Guest Entry: Outside expert visits Continental Hair from St. Louis

Although I have known Michael for 5 years, I had never been to see his studio in Toronto. So when I received a phone call on a Wednesday afternoon asking me “what are you doing next Friday…we are having a photo shoot for our studio. Can you come up here and join us?” I immediately replied “YES!!!!!!!!”

As my friend Shannon and I walked into 92 ½ Avenue Rd. we saw finishing touches being made on blondes, brunettes and redheads. With the swipe of a makeup brush and a quick change of a hairstyle Continental Hair clients were being turned into Continental Hair models. The mood in the room was intoxicating and you couldn’t help but join in with the giggles and chatter. It didn’t take us long to learn that this was the everyday occurrence at Continental Hair and a good time was guaranteed to be had by all whether this was your first visit to the salon or your fiftieth. As the day progressed I truly began to see why Michael’s studio and staff is seen as the best in Toronto for hair replacement. These clients looked amazing, and the hair……OH THE HAIR!!!!!! As I watched the photo shoot progress and all the different styles being put on the girls I had the same feeling come over me that I do when I walk into my favorite shoe store “I want them all”. This coming from a girl who has never strayed away from her dark red and brown locks, who was now looking at a blonde hairpiece and thinking “ya know, that could be fun”.

I must admit, that although I do not have a need to be one of Michaels clients, I would not hesitate even for one second if something were to occur (and if I didn’t live four states away) that would result in me needing his services to jump right in because I know, without a doubt, that I would be taken care of by one of the best staff around. Now, if you are reading this you are probably thinking “right, like she has any idea what it’s like to not have hair or to be losing hair”. For two years I had absolutely no hair due to chemotherapy treatments. If you think adults are mean, try being seven had having kids look at you and point and whisper. This truly doesn’t get any easier the older we get. If you have ever thought about going to see Michael and his staff at Continental Hair just to see what they offer, do it….just go in there and trust me you will be so glad you did.

Kelly Johnson-Hessler
Executive Assistant
Hans Wiemann Hair Restoration
St. Louis, MO


Owner & President of Continental Hair. If you have any questions please email me at:

author info :

Michael Suba

Owner & President

Continental Hair

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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