Client Profile: Avery

Avery’s Story
Avery has been a Continental Hair client since 2017. Her alopecia struck her when she was in her last year of university. She was in a support group and she said everyone told her to go to Continental, so she came to see us.
For a while after she had gotten her first wig she would come in every month to have it washed and blown dry. While waiting she would borrow a wig from our display and sit in reception hooked into our WiFi. I remarked that she really looked great in any wig she wore and suggested that she model for us.
She smiled and demurred. But the next day I got an email from her asking if I was serious about the modeling gig. I told her definitely.
It’s been quite something over the years because you can see the difference between her first photo/video shoot and later ones. She was understandably nervous and camera shy but now she knows the camera loves her and she enjoys each shoot. She has inspired so many young women, not only by showing off our hair, but with her Instagram account @aloavery.