Who Let In The Old Guy?
That’s me. Showing off.
In early November I had the honor of hosting the Transitions International Group’s meeting here in Toronto. The Group is a collection of the world’s most respected hair replacement and enhancement professionals from around the world. All in all, almost 100 people at the top of this profession were there. And they wanted to see my place and what I do.
In this shot I have Gene Pletzer from Wisconsin, Flora Fuentes from New York, Danielle Grillo from New Jersey, Sarah McCarthy from North Carolina, and Vicky Birchfield from Idaho. In the background are friends from California and England.
But man, look at how GRAY I am. I am getting old in this business. My parents started Continental Hair in 1964, and we have been in this same location since 1970. I cannot see myself anywhere else. And it was a bit surprising to play host to such a well regarded group of people at the top of their profession. Here I am showing them how I design the part of the postiche to be so natural.
During the meeting The Transitions Group got together with the Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation to raise awareness of the support available for alopecia sufferers. I had the idea that since we had the very best wig stylists in the world available why not show what we can do. CANAAF does a great job providing support and information to those hit with alopecia and we all had a wonderful time that Saturday morning. (There is a video that will be coming later this month)
Since I was the host I had to, well, host the event. It was great being on stage with such a wonderful group of people. Go to www.canaaf.org and see what they do. It is inspirational.

"Is this thing on?"
I have said many times that the meeting room stuff is a very small part of how we learn from each other. At least for me. Most of what I learn I learn in the bar. I mean seriously. Over a drink I can ask my pal Ron Millross from London about a new attachment technique. Or Greg Taylor form San Francisco regarding a way of lifting hair colour. Anyone that has been at a business conference knows that the presentations are for mass consumption. The bar is where you get to work on the individual stuff.
Of course, you have to pace yourself.
But this weekend also showed me what an advantage I have. Being in this group I have access to the latest developments from around the world. I can also ask their advice if I have someone that needs something extra special. I have been a member for over 10 years so many of them have become wonderful friends and I look forward to seeing them every year.
I only wish I looked the same as I did 10 years ago.