Natural Hair Loss Treatments…Fact or Folly?

Hair in Brush

I was curious about something I had heard recently about using natural methods to fight hair loss and wondered if this was some hocus pocus magic, or the real deal. I will write what I found out and let you decide which it is…the real deal or the workings of snake-oil salesmen.

In searching I found a long list of tonics, creams, supplements and treatments that sounded too good to be true and certainly didn’t fit with what I have learned so far about hair loss treatments.

In the past we have discussed the work of hair loss icons like Dr. David Kingsley, Dr. Alan Bauman and even Sy Sperling… all pioneers in the field of hair loss. We have also written dozens of posts on laser treatments, scalp treatments and every other kind of hair loss treatment. We’ve looked at the results of some of the clinical trials being conducted on stem cells (PRP) and just about exhausted everything we could find on the Internet about preventing the loss of hair in both men and women.

Now we are being told about something else…something that does not involve the usual causes for hair loss . The following are some suggestions by the famous Andrew Weil, M.D. who is known far and wide for his books on natural therapies for all manner of health related problems.

Dr. Weil recommends the use of flax seed and Omega-3 fatty acids; nothing new there. He also talks about dietary changes and supplements; still nothing new. Then things start to get a little bit strange.

He advocates for hypnosis, guided imagery, Anthrain Ointment (a synthetic substance made to treat psoriasis and saw palmetto (for treatment of benign prostate problems. We all know what hypnosis is and I looked up guided imagery and it said, “Guided Imagery is a technique used by many natural or alternative medicine practitioners as well as some physicians and psychologists for aiding clients and patients to use mental imagery to help with anything from healing their bodies with Cancer guided imagery to solving problems or reducing stress.

Hair Loss Treatments

Guided Imagery is not limited to physical problems or health issues and is commonly used for emotional healing or psychological issues. Guided Imagery is sometimes considered a form of hypnotherapy. Simple imagery suggestions are given to a client by a trained practitioner typically in a one-on-one fashion, however, it is sometimes done in group sessions. The offering of a series of image suggestions depends upon the needs of the individual. The image suggestions given to a client often involve effective breathing and relaxing techniques at the start of the session, and then progresses further through the main course of the patient’s problem by providing a direction toward the solution”.

Do any of these methods really work? In closing, in Dr. Weil’s article he stated the following; “ I began to go bald at age 16 so enjoy the beauty of baldness”. Why does this sound counter-productive to me?

If in fact bald was so beautiful then why is hair restoration a multi-billion dollar a year business and why are all of these so-called “beautiful people” seeking treatment?

We leave the fail decision up to you.  If you are experiencing thinning hair or hair loss and are not okay with it, then call us, fill out the form on this page and arrange for your evaluation.  Our approach is a very simple one.  The first thing we will do is learn more about you, your lifestyle and the determine what is causing your hair to thin or fall out, then we will recommend a solution that best fits your need and budget.  It’s that simple, no gimmicks, no hocus locus, just real solutions.


Owner & President of Continental Hair. If you have any questions please email me at:

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Michael Suba

Owner & President

Continental Hair

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