Incredibly Grateful

A Real Letter, from an Actual Continental Hair Client.

It all started with a dime-sized bald patch on the left side of our six-year old daughters head back in August. A week later, with a misdiagnosis of Ringworm, and a patch that had now doubled in size, we knew this was something much more serious. Alopecia Areata was the diagnosis given. “The Unpredictable disease”. We watched as new patches came up everyday, enlarging so that the patches became one and within 4 months, our daughter had lost 80 percent of her hair. Although she remained a trooper throughout this horrible time, (much stronger than her mom and dad) her confidence was really shaken, and at the innocent age of six, she was already worrying about what her peers would think. Hairbands became thicker and thicker, and crochet hats eventually took over. But she felt different, especially wearing a hat in a school with a “no hat policy” (they graciously made an exception for Regan of course).

Through a caring parent at our school, we had heard about Michaels “Wigs for Kids” program. We spoke with our daughter, and showed her children just like her that had gotten “new hair”. Although skeptical at first, she seemed a little excited at the idea of perhaps her “new hair” could be blonde…….lol. Not her “natural colour” by any means. The fact that she was open to the discussion committed us to make the call to Michael. A hard call for a parent to make. The psychological toll that Regans hair loss had taken on us in the last 4 months and the various emotions and questions as to whether this was the right thing to do for a six year old, weighted heavily on our mind.

We made the call, immediately our mind was put at ease. From the first phone call, quite frankly we were blown away. The stress we felt about making the call completely disappeared as we eagerly awaited our appointment the following week.

As soon as we walked in the door, we knew how unbelievable and committed Michael and his team were. They took our little princess under their wing, as she learned about how wonderful people had donated their hair for kids just like her. Only expecting “our first consultation” Michael appeared with a “real hair wig” that looked like it was made for Regan. I’m not sure who was more excited, my husband and I, Regan or Michael. The satisfaction in his eyes as the wig was placed on Regans head was almost as heart-warming as the smile that appeared on her face, the entire time the stylist (Vassela who was just awesome!) worked her magic to make sure Regans hair was no less than perfect. And believe me, it is. It is even more surreal to know that this is a “gift” for children with Alopecia or Cancer 12 years and under.

Words cannot express how grateful we are for the extraordinary gift Michael and his team (and the beautiful people who donate their hair for programs such as this) have given us. It is “Regans hair” (not a wig to her!!!) and it is wonderfully soccer proof, cartwheel proof, even hanging upside down on swings proof. You have restored her innocence, restored her confidence, and for that we are forever grateful. Thank you isn`t nearly enough.

Daphne, Peter and Regan


Owner & President of Continental Hair. If you have any questions please email me at:

author info :

Michael Suba

Owner & President

Continental Hair

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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