πŸŽ… Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! β˜ƒοΈ

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At a loss

Elevate Magazine / Winter 2007 / Reader Tested: At a loss… & Perfect Fit Reader Tested By Celina Harrison, Elevate Reader Three years ago, I was losing my hair. Now, my new hair is better than natural! It was just over three years ago that I caught a glimpse of myself in a security camera and noticed the hair on the back of my head was thinning. Soon afterward, people...

How to Spot a Fraud

This is a horrible thing in any business, but it does happen. I was recently doing a Look Good Feel Better presentation up at Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre and was half way through my presentation about wigs when a woman asked me to examine hers. I told her that it was machine made, with processed Asian, human hair. She was so upset that she started crying. She had been...

Mothers and Daughters and Sisters (Oh My)

When someone has been in business long enough you start to meet a lot of people that are connected. You can call it the ‘seven degrees of hair replacement’. I have had several clients that have brought in their mothers, or their sisters. Since much of hair loss is genetic this is not so surprising. But it does give me a nice feeling that a client is so happy with...

No, You Don’t Understand.

I was talking to a regular client of mine a few weeks ago. I did not know she was a regular until then because I had not heard from her in over a year since she got her postiche. I realized she was a regular client now because she called to ask me to order her another one. This means that she has now joined the ranks of the hundreds...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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