The Ugly Side of Female Hair Loss

Even in today’s modern age, female hair loss is a taboo topic. At Continental Hair we have made it our life’s work to provide leading edge hair replacement options to women suffering from female hair loss. Which is precisely why an essay recently published in The Globe and Mail entitled “Is My Bald Head Making a Bold Public Statement?” struck a chord with us.

The touching piece is an autobiographical look at the story of a young girl who made the bold decision to shave her head. The act was not a political statement or related to any illness or medical treatment. Julie M. Green, the author of the piece, simply decided to trim her already short locks. Before she knew it she had a short “botched mess” on her hands. She then walked around the corner to the barber shop and asked them to finish the job, she “wanted it gone.”

What happened next was not surprising. Her mother cried, strangers stared and friends and family didn’t know how to react. In her essay Julie explores the double standard in our society of women shaving or losing their hair versus men. For women, hair is a symbol of femininity and sex appeal. A woman without hair is viewed as different, while bald men are often viewed as “distinguished.” It is this double standard that Julie takes issue with in her editorial piece.

Female Hair Loss and Replacement

At Continental Hair we often treat women who are experiencing hair loss as a result of genetics or medical complications. These women often report similar experiences. The stares and strange looks. It’s our goal to help these women regain their lives. From hair replacement systems to hair regrowth therapies and prescriptions, we offer the latest treatment options on the market. Though we cannot reprogram society to accept women as they are, we can take steps to make a difficult situation a bit easier. As female hair replacement experts we applaud Julie’s decision to share her story and to shed light on a topic that impacts millions of women every year.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you, or a loved one, are experiencing female hair loss, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us today. Learn about your Toronto hair restoration options including: female hair replacement systems, laser hair therapy and more. Contact Continental Hair and discover why we have been the Toronto hair replacement studio of choice since 1964!


Owner & President of Continental Hair. If you have any questions please email me at:

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Michael Suba

Owner & President

Continental Hair

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Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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