🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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Where Oh Where Has My Pretty Hair Gone?

I wanted to share a story on of our bloggers share with us. I have a neighbor who is enjoying her retirement! She takes a daily walk for an hour a day come rain or come shine. She is the most energetic person I have ever met (especially for her age). I stare in awe as I see her fast walking past me every morning and I feel slightly guilty...

A Glossary of Hair Loss Terms

Aesthetician: Trained to administer facials (also called a facialist) . advise customers on make-up, skin and hair Anagen: Growth phase of hair cycle during which new hair is formed Catagen: Phase of hair cycle between growth phase and resting phase if hair follicle Chemotherapy: Use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (especially Cancer) Often is responsible for partial or total hair loss. Cosmetologist: Person who gives beauty treatments to skin and...

Hair Loss Fears

Have you had chemotherapy or radiation? Are you losing your hair as a result of these treatments? Have you noticed that your hair is thinning and that you have bald spots? Do you feel fear or loss? I recently met a lady who was undergoing chemo and she had a turban on her head. She was obviously self-conscious about how she looked and didn’t look me in the eye when...

Do You Speak Hair Loss/Restoration?

1. the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline. Terminology or “buzz words” are common to all professions and if one is an outsider listening in on a conversation between professionals of any given field you will find that you are often a stranger in a strange land! No matter what the profession, there are certain terms that are essential in maintaining a...

New Hair for the New Year

Hope For The New Year; A New Year’s resolution fulfilled! Many of you are facing the new year with a dream of feeling like your old self. Wishing that your problems would disappear and that the many times that you faced yourself in the mirror and felt incomplete would suddenly be over and you would see yourself as you once were. Many of you are experiencing problems that seem insurmountable....

Hair Replacement…Something for everyone!

Have you ever watched an actor and wondered if he/she was wearing a wig, toupee or even a hair piece, how about hair extensions? Have you wondered about hair replacement for yourself? When you look at Matthew McConaughey, Edward Norton, Al Pacino or Ben Affleck did you ever suspect that they had a form of hair replacement? Well, they do. Some keep it a secret even though it looks so...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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