🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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How to Recognize a Bad Wig: Part 1

When you are new to buying any product or service, it can be a challenge to get what is right for you. When I first started watching the night sky, I bought two useless telescopes before a found one that was right for me. I am sure that you have had similar experiences. It’s no different with hair. The impetus to write this blog series comes from the fact that...

3 Questions Women Ask When Choosing A Hair System

This is a hard question to answer, but it’s even a harder question to ask. Its very difficult for a woman to accept the fact that she needs a hair system to help with her thinning hair, and can spend years first avoiding the question before even answering it. This is not unusual. And I have had many clients that have come to see me for an initial consultation and then...

Candace’s Story

Candace Hamilton is the fantastic manager of our new Sarnia location. Here’s the story about how she came into our lives 🙂 Hello, my name is Candace and I have hypothyroidism. This is my story. I struggled for years with the symptoms of weight gain, depression, aches and pain and hair loss. For almost five years I continued going into my family doctor expressing concerns about my health, and stating...

Journal: February 24

It’s 9 am on a Saturday. Regular crowd shuffles in… We start early on the weekend because many of our clients like to have their wigs and hair systems made nice on their day off. This morning I had a client that has worn one of my postiche (topper) designs for many years bring in her sister. My client had just received her fifth postiche earlier in the week and...

Aftercare for Your New Hair System

The following steps should be followed to ensure a proper and thorough cleaning of your new hair system. These steps should ensure a thorough and easy cleaning of your hair system. Remember that the hair system should only be washed every 4-6 weeks with daily wear. If you encounter a problem with your system at ANY time during the process, STOP and call Continental Hair at (647) 735-5362 or email us at in**@co*************.com. Our...

What is a Postiche?

A postiche, also called a topper, is a small hair system or hair piece that clips into your own hair to give your hair more fullness and coverage. It can be ver small so as just to fill in your bangs, or larger if you have more acute hair loss. The postiche sits on top of your own hair and is secured with ‘comb clips’ which snap on some of...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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