🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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Woman Shares Her Hair Loss With the World

Jackie Nguyen Shares Her Hair Loss Story The Huffington Post is a widely respected online news sources accredited with breaking some very high profiles stories. Most recently, an article published by Huffington might not have attracted worldwide attention but it certainly resonated with many hair loss sufferers. Among other things, Jackie Nguyen is a Vietnamese American musical theater actor and contributor to the Huffington Post. In an article published earlier...

Dear Diary…Some clients just make your day.

Dear Diary, There are some clients that just make your day, like Mary. She has been coming to me for over 10 years. She has alopecia totalis and used to get me to make model full cap prosthetics. Two years ago she took my advice and went with one of our virgin hair Jay cap wigs that we keep in stock and just loved it. She came in today to...


Sometimes I have to deal with hair loss pain in a father to father way. Its especially poignant with dads and daughters. Earlier this week I had a 12 year old girl come in with trichotillomania. Okay, she was 13, but I called her 12 so she would still qualify for our Wigs For Kids Program. She had gotten a free postiche over a year ago and was due for...

One of the Sweetest Letters I Have Ever Received

Dear Michael & Staff, Thank you for all you have done for me. You not only encouraged and welcomed me to a positive and friendly environment, but gave me the confidence to feel beautiful in a wig. I guess you see it every day, but it is truly amazing when someone who has alopecia gets to walk out of the room with a fullhead of beautiful hair. I like always...

Getting Ready

Both men and women go out on special occasions. Both men and women take time and effort to get ready for these occasions. Both enjoy doing that. But there is a difference. With men the getting ready and the occasion are two separate events. For women they are all part of the evening. And for a woman, getting her hair done is definitely part of the event. I think it...

What Happens When You First Come to Continental Hair?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to come into Continental Hair for a consultation?  Will it be embarrassing?  What will happen?  Will you find what you are looking for? WHY THINK ABOUT THE HAIR YOU’VE LOST WHEN YOU CAN THINK ABOUT THE HAIR YOU CAN HAVE?  Getting your own custom wig or hair piece from Continental Hair takes just three simple steps.  We hope you will take the first...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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