🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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recent articles

Continental Hair Topper

The modern hair replacement system is revolutionizing the way women approach hair restoration. In the past there was a limited number of solutions on the market, today there is a seemingly endless selection of hair toppers from which to choose. Though the industry has evolved, customer needs remain the same. Hair loss sufferers are seeking an affordable, natural-looking solution that will stand up to an active lifestyle. At Continental Hair,...


Sometimes I have to deal with hair loss pain in a father to father way. Its especially poignant with dads and daughters. Earlier this week I had a 12 year old girl come in with trichotillomania. Okay, she was 13, but I called her 12 so she would still qualify for our Wigs For Kids Program. She had gotten a free postiche over a year ago and was due for...

Getting Ready

Both men and women go out on special occasions. Both men and women take time and effort to get ready for these occasions. Both enjoy doing that. But there is a difference. With men the getting ready and the occasion are two separate events. For women they are all part of the evening. And for a woman, getting her hair done is definitely part of the event. I think it...

A Note from Nada

Hi Michael, I would like to share with you a story about wearing a postiche. I received my postiche back in October, just a few days before my family and I left for New York. I was a little nervous wearing my postiche at first because I was afraid it would shift or the wind would blow and people could see it etc. We took a double decker bus tour...

The Trigger

For the last year of two I have been testing the idea of when a woman will decide to come and see me about their thinning hair. In many cases they will see lots of other people first. They ask advice of their hairstylist, their doctor, then their dermatologist and perhaps a naturopath. Get tested for many things and at the end of the journey they decide to come and...

Guest Post

Dear Michael: I promised some words for your blog. Here is my offering. As agreed, I would ask not to be attributed as I am not comfortable going “public” with my little piece. I will stay in the closet for awhile; I am having so much fun with peoples’ reactions. Thanks for everything. — D When adults in Canada get up in the morning, three quarters of us reach for...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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