🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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Mrs Dainty*

I was doing my best to keep as many balloons in the air at the salon last week when I saw one of my newer clients getting cut in. She is undergoing chemo and is a very sweet woman and I asked if Corale, her stylist, was treating her right. She said of course. Then she asked me a question. “Michael, do you remember your grade 3 teacher?” I looked...

The Call

When I get a call from a hockey buddy that I usually do not hang out with I know that it is because my services are needed. As soon as I hear who it is I know that they have someone close to them that is going to go through chemotherapy and needs a medical wig. It is also the same in the hair styling industry. I received a call...

My In-Box

Just like everyone else I check my in-box when I get to my desk. This is what greeted me today: “I wanted to leave a message for Sandra at your Sunnybrook location. I am going through chemo and recently purchased a wig from Sandra. I was wearing my wig at Loblaws yesterday and the woman behind me said ‘I love the colour of your hair. Do you mind me asking...

Always Look Good

I have found that no matter what our age we really want to look our best. I think young people believe that old(er) people let themselves go but as I am now one of those old(er) people I can say that it is just the effects of being around a long time. We still want to look as good as we can. And hair is a big part of that,...


Sometimes I have to deal with hair loss pain in a father to father way. Its especially poignant with dads and daughters. Earlier this week I had a 12 year old girl come in with trichotillomania. Okay, she was 13, but I called her 12 so she would still qualify for our Wigs For Kids Program. She had gotten a free postiche over a year ago and was due for...

The Jet Set

I got a call from my pal Jie down the street. Jie works with a very, very exclusive clientele. He is a bit (a bit) eccentric but then genius often is. He had a client that had to see me and wanted to set it up so that I took good care of her, so he called me personally. She came to see me with one of Jie’s assistants. You...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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