🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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A Favorite Story of Mine

A long time ago there was a hair designer in Toronto. One day a client walked in and told him of her appointment with a dermatologist. Okay, I’ll drop the fairy tale style. But this did really happen. My client was in her 20’s back then. She was very young and very attractive and still in school. But she had been thinning since she was in her late teens and...

What? People actually read my posts??

We changed our web server guys and they added a feature; readers can send me comments. I just noticed it. I am very touched by all the very sweet things that you all have said. And here I thought that my posts were going the way cuniform clay tablets, to be dug up in the distant future. Please let me know your thoughts. They are welcome and appreciated.


When we make a custom wig or piece one of the variables is colour. This can be tricky. In the case of a woman with high lights we usually pick one or two ‘base’ colours and then do what a woman would normally do – namely get it highlighted (or foil lighted). It is important to nail it.  

Service. Service. Service.

Everyone says it, but it does not always translate into reality. I got an email from a woman that was very upset. She is a cancer patient and had bought a wig from a wig salon at her hospital (not Continental Hair’s wig salon at The Odette Centre, just to let you know) and was not at all happy. Why? Because they refused to style it. Any wig, even a...

Breakfast TV (or) OMG It’s 4:00am!

That is the time you have to wake up if you are hosting Breakfast TV’s Live Eye. They get to the salon at 5 in the morning to start setting up. And someone has to be there to let them in. I thought, briefly, about sleeping on the couch in my office but decided that it would not be a good precedent. So I tried as best I could to...

Remmi Hair

In an earlier post I talked about a booklet that my father wrote back in the 60’s. One of the subject’s he talked about was “REMMI” hair. Back then, remmi hair was defined as a bundle of human hair that had all of its cuticles, or scales, going in the same direction. All the roots were at one end, and all the tips at another. This made sure that the...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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