🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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Aftercare for Your New Hair System

The following steps should be followed to ensure a proper and thorough cleaning of your new hair system. These steps should ensure a thorough and easy cleaning of your hair system. Remember that the hair system should only be washed every 4-6 weeks with daily wear. If you encounter a problem with your system at ANY time during the process, STOP and call Continental Hair at (647) 735-5362 or email us at in**@co*************.com. Our...

What is a Postiche?

A postiche, also called a topper, is a small hair system or hair piece that clips into your own hair to give your hair more fullness and coverage. It can be ver small so as just to fill in your bangs, or larger if you have more acute hair loss. The postiche sits on top of your own hair and is secured with ‘comb clips’ which snap on some of...

How to help your friend or loved one choose a medical wig

If someone you know is going through chemotherapy, one of the things they may want help with is choosing a wig. Here are some tips on how you can help. I remember when I was undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy for my cancer. It was back in 1990 but I remember it vividly. I am still grateful for the support and love I received from my family and friends. I...

6 Hair Replacement Tips for Chemotherapy Patients

Many of my more recent clients that are undergoing chemotherapy have told me that they have not receiving any hair loss or wig information when they are told about their treatment regimen. I find this odd because it used to be that all the hospitals would immediately give their patients lists of options and vendors to help them with their hair loss and privacy issues. However lately I have been told that at certain...

Brittany’s Makeover!

I tell my clients the “hair should be fun!” And they agree, especially since none of them are having fun with their hair. So I decided to show how someone that has no hair can still have fun with their hair! Brittany has been a client of mine for years. She is a wonderful, beautiful young woman who has never had a salon experience. So we gave her one. Daniel...

Watch Us On the Marilyn Denis Show!

In case you missed it, a few weeks ago we had the distinct honour of having the Marilyn Denis Show come to our salon for a feature on Hair Loss and Alopecia. We were humbled and proud when Ms. Denis called Continental Hair the hair loss experts and “such a great, reputable place.”   [envira-gallery id=”9499″]   We have to thank our beautiful client Lucy who bared all to share...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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