πŸŽ… Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! β˜ƒοΈ

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Caring for Your Wig

How long your wig lasts depends on how it is made and how you take care of it. Synthetic Hair With synthetics, it is very important to avoid high heat. Not only from everyday activities like cooking but especially from high-heat curling irons and blow dryers. The synthetic hair will not catch fire. But it will frizz and have a very unnatural appearance. A synthetic wig, even perfectly cared for,...

Natural Hair Loss Treatments…Fact or Folly?

I was curious about something I had heard recently about using natural methods to fight hair loss and wondered if this was some hocus pocus magic, or the real deal. I will write what I found out and let you decide which it is…the real deal or the workings of snake-oil salesmen. In searching I found a long list of tonics, creams, supplements and treatments that sounded too good to...

Thyroid Disease

Is Your Thyroid Normal or Is It Time to Get Checked? There are several diseases that can contribute to hair loss, including thyroid disease. One of the major issues with thyroid disease is that people often don’t realize they have it until long after it’s been affecting their health. While the symptoms vary from person to person, many people with thyroid disease experience weight gain, depression, aches and pain, and...

Solutions for Thinning Hair

Male pattern baldness may be more noticeable to the average person walking by you on the street, but there are just as many women who suffer from hair loss. While often not as drastic as the hair loss experienced by men, hair thinning can be just as devastating for women. Hair thinning does not just physically alter someone’s appearance. It can also take a mental and emotional toll due to...


Millions of people around the world suffer from a condition known as trichotillomania, and while you may not have heard that word before, it could be something that affects your life. Do you constantly pick at and pull out hair on your scalp or even other places on your body? If so, you may have trichotillomania, an obsessive-compulsive disorder that is characterized by a compulsive need to pull out one’s...

Postpartum Hair Loss

Kate Middleton, Kim Kardashian, Kate Hudson and Selma Blair are victims too! First, what exactly is Postpartum Hair Loss? Hair loss after pregnancy is the sudden shedding (sometimes in clumps) that many new mothers experience between three and six months after they give birth. Second, why does this happen? Due to the increased estrogen levels during pregnancy a woman’s hair “rests” and does not shed like it usually does (about...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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