🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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Having Baby-Soft Hair Is the Season’s Latest Trend

When we were young…there’s a magic to youthfulness, the time when we were in the prime of our days ready and willing to tackle anything that came in our way. We were tough and pugnacious; the air we breathed seemed as vigorous as the greatest cocktail imaginable. Every now and again (and some more than others) we feel the need to dig up the bodies of our past selves and...

My In-Box

Just like everyone else I check my in-box when I get to my desk. This is what greeted me today: “I wanted to leave a message for Sandra at your Sunnybrook location. I am going through chemo and recently purchased a wig from Sandra. I was wearing my wig at Loblaws yesterday and the woman behind me said ‘I love the colour of your hair. Do you mind me asking...

The Jet Set

I got a call from my pal Jie down the street. Jie works with a very, very exclusive clientele. He is a bit (a bit) eccentric but then genius often is. He had a client that had to see me and wanted to set it up so that I took good care of her, so he called me personally. She came to see me with one of Jie’s assistants. You...

Just A Reminder: Wigs Are SEXY. And FUN.

Sometimes you just forget the obvious. Actually, ask my wife and she will tell you that I forget everything. But earlier this week I asked one of the Continental Hair stylists, Seven, to cut in a wig for display. I gave her a very dark human hair wig. She cut it into a bob/wedge with severe bangs. She liked it so much she wore it in the salon. It was...

Follow Up

If you have watched the video that is on the Postiche page you will recognize Lisa Marie. She was having a wig cut in and talked about the fact that I was making a postiche for her. This was her yesterday after she had it styled. She makes my stuff look good.  

Sharon and Travis Johnson

Over ten years ago I attended a meeting of hair enhancement professionals in Memphis Tennessee. That’s where I met Sharon and Travis. They have a salon down there called Studio II and have been at it for over 30 years. Travis handles the men, Sharon takes care of the women. I was just taken with their hospitality. I was wondering aimlessly through the lobby of the hotel when Sharon was...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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