🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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How to Recognize a Bad Wig: Part 1

When you are new to buying any product or service, it can be a challenge to get what is right for you. When I first started watching the night sky, I bought two useless telescopes before a found one that was right for me. I am sure that you have had similar experiences. It’s no different with hair. The impetus to write this blog series comes from the fact that...

3 Questions Women Ask When Choosing A Hair System

This is a hard question to answer, but it’s even a harder question to ask. Its very difficult for a woman to accept the fact that she needs a hair system to help with her thinning hair, and can spend years first avoiding the question before even answering it. This is not unusual. And I have had many clients that have come to see me for an initial consultation and then...

Journal: February 24

It’s 9 am on a Saturday. Regular crowd shuffles in… We start early on the weekend because many of our clients like to have their wigs and hair systems made nice on their day off. This morning I had a client that has worn one of my postiche (topper) designs for many years bring in her sister. My client had just received her fifth postiche earlier in the week and...

Is a Postiche right for me?

If you are a woman suffering from thinning hair this postiche (or topper) is one of my most successful designs. Continental Hair has been working and re-working this wonderful hair addition for over forty years. The two things that make it special? Beautiful hair and not too much of it. This makes sure that it gives you a natural look without being “wiggy.” Virgin European Hair Most hair additions or...

New Hair for the New Year

Hope For The New Year; A New Year’s resolution fulfilled! Many of you are facing the new year with a dream of feeling like your old self. Wishing that your problems would disappear and that the many times that you faced yourself in the mirror and felt incomplete would suddenly be over and you would see yourself as you once were. Many of you are experiencing problems that seem insurmountable....

Hair Replacement…Something for everyone!

Have you ever watched an actor and wondered if he/she was wearing a wig, toupee or even a hair piece, how about hair extensions? Have you wondered about hair replacement for yourself? When you look at Matthew McConaughey, Edward Norton, Al Pacino or Ben Affleck did you ever suspect that they had a form of hair replacement? Well, they do. Some keep it a secret even though it looks so...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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