🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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recent articles

Joan Lunden Shares Her Experience with Chemo Related Hair Loss

Joan Lunden Shares Her Experience with Chemo Related Hair Loss Having served as co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America from 1980 to 1997, Joan Lunden has made a name for herself as a widely respected journalist. A household name, her fans were shocked and concerned to learn that she was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. She has since made headlines, giving interviews and even posing without a wig...

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

Friday dawned well after I was up. The dexamethasone anti-nauseant makes me wakeful, as does the OTC Claritin to keep bone pain away, as does all the coughing from my now six-week-long cold and cough, so all the more time to wait to hear from Continental Hair. I called at 8, to leave a message. Then I checked my e-mail, and saw a note from Michael Suba, president, in response...

Mrs Dainty*

I was doing my best to keep as many balloons in the air at the salon last week when I saw one of my newer clients getting cut in. She is undergoing chemo and is a very sweet woman and I asked if Corale, her stylist, was treating her right. She said of course. Then she asked me a question. “Michael, do you remember your grade 3 teacher?” I looked...

The Call

When I get a call from a hockey buddy that I usually do not hang out with I know that it is because my services are needed. As soon as I hear who it is I know that they have someone close to them that is going to go through chemotherapy and needs a medical wig. It is also the same in the hair styling industry. I received a call...

Just Out Of The Blue

From my email in-box. June 14, 2013. Dear Michael, You don’t know me and I’ve never visited your shop on Avenue Road. But on March 12, 2012 my younger sister and I visited your shop at the Odette Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook in search of finding a wig that would allow her some comfort as she continued her journey through her chemotherapy treatments. My sister had been diagnosed with cancer...

Getting Ready

Both men and women go out on special occasions. Both men and women take time and effort to get ready for these occasions. Both enjoy doing that. But there is a difference. With men the getting ready and the occasion are two separate events. For women they are all part of the evening. And for a woman, getting her hair done is definitely part of the event. I think it...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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