🎅 Our main Yorkville salon will be closed for our Christmas break starting December 22, reopening on January 2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ☃️

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Guest Post

Dear Michael: I promised some words for your blog. Here is my offering. As agreed, I would ask not to be attributed as I am not comfortable going “public” with my little piece. I will stay in the closet for awhile; I am having so much fun with peoples’ reactions. Thanks for everything. — D When adults in Canada get up in the morning, three quarters of us reach for...

Its The Inner Sanctum For A Reason

I have been on crutches for over 2 months. I broke my leg playing hockey and even though the bone is healing nicely I also did quite a nice number on my tendons. So much so that they had to get out the Black & Decker power tools and square my ankle to my leg. Its the soft tissue that takes a long time so although there is no pain...

Things Sometimes Go Perfectly

Last Friday I had a consultation with a woman who came to see me from out of province. She had been in email contact with one of my clients who she found on the web and since she was coming to Toronto for a conference she called ahead to see me about her thinning hair. She had classic female pattern thinning and had tried everything. We talked about her hair...

Three Clients

I had three clients come to see me on Saturday. These women have been clients for a long time so it is always great to see how things are moving along in their lives. They all have thinning hair caused by androgenetic alopecia. The first one was someone that I had not seen in years. She came in with her mother, like she did the first time three years ago....


When we make a custom wig or piece one of the variables is colour. This can be tricky. In the case of a woman with high lights we usually pick one or two ‘base’ colours and then do what a woman would normally do – namely get it highlighted (or foil lighted). It is important to nail it.  


In a family business you always have some history bubbling up. Some hairstylist in Yorkville (or Vancouver) saying how he used to work with my parents. A client saying her mother got a fall from us in the 60’s. And you come across things in the basement that you never thought you would see again. My father wrote this back in (I can only guess) 1968. It has our old...

Hours of Operation

Monday & Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday :
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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